Get to Know Who’s in Green and Gold
Published: February 25, 2019
Introducing a new portion of the UMFK Athletics Social Media, the Player Spotlights. Once a month, followers of our social media will “Get to Know Who is in the Green and Gold.” For our first installment, we are featuring Junior Men’s Basketball Player Chance Cole. Chance is from Los Angeles, California, and came to UMFK from LA Pierce College. Chance recently exploded for 46 points in the last game against rival UMPI. Chance is studying Business.

Chance Cole
Los Angeles, CA
Favorite Place to Eat in Fort Kent:
Bengals Lair, “because of their wicked wings.”
Favorite Movie:
Remember the Titans
Favorite Professional Player:
Gilbert Arenas
Person who motivates Chance:
His Mother – “I wanted to be #23 at UMFK because of Coach Fletch”